; Material Kiefer Longitudinal ; Samuel Greiner ; information about the content of such cards can be found on the wiki: ; https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/Material ; file created by FreeCAD 0.19.24276 (Git) [General] Name = Kiefer Longitudinal Description = A standard construction wood Father = Aggregate KindOfMaterial = Wood-Kiefer ReferenceSource = Zur Orthotropie der physikalisch – mechanischen Eigenschaften von Fichtenholz SourceURL = https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/api/file/viewByFileId/349706.pdf [Mechanical] CompressiveStrength = 667GPa Density = 435,00 kg/m^3 FractureToughness = 0 PoissonRatio = 0.02 ShearModulus = 9,89 Pa UltimateStrain = 0 UltimateTensileStrength = 82,6 GPa YieldStrength = 0,00 Pa YoungsModulus = 11,496 GPa [Thermal] SpecificHeat = 0 J/kg/K ThermalConductivity = 0,26 W/m/K ThermalExpansionCoefficient = 0,00 µm/m/K [Cost] ProductURL = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood